Glossary of Terms

Anisotropic Magnet– A magnetic material having better magnetic characteristics along the preferred axis than along any other.

C.G.S. System– A system of electromagnetic measurement employing as base units the centimeter, gram, and second

Coercive Force Hc– The demagnetizing force that must be applied to a magnetic material to reduce the induction to zero.

Coercive Force, Intrinsic Hci – The demagnetizing force that must be applied to a magnetic material to reduce the intrinsic induction to zero; the material being in a symmetrically, cyclically magnetized condition.

Coercivity– The relative value of coercive force; i.e., one material is said to have a greater “coercivity” than another.

Curie Point– The elevated temperature, usually expressed in oC, at which a ferromagnetic material becomes paramagnetic.

Demagnetization Curve– That part of the hysteresis loop in the second quadrant between the residual induction point, Br, and the coercive point, Hc. Points on this curve show the relationship of induction to demagnetizing force, and are designated by the coordinates Bd and Hd.

Energy Product Maximum– Peak BdHd max (m.g.o.)-The maximum value shown on the energy product curve.

Flux Density B (See Induction)– The number of lines of maxwells per unit area in a section normal to the direction of flux (expressed in gausses).

Gauss– The c.g.s. unit of flux density.